Saturday, March 23, 2013

Hank's stomping grounds

First ride of the year with Hank, and this time on his side of the valley. I rode through town to meet him at a funeral home (is it bad luck to start a ride at a funeral home?) and stopped at a bike shop that I had never seen before. It is a warren of old bikes, wheels and parts and is apparently the oldest bike shop in grenoble. The owner has rooms full of bikes (300 or so per room, if I understood correctly). I'll have to get back there to spend some more time looking through them.

Anyway, on to the ride... It was great to ride with Hank again, catch up and put places to the names of the climbs that he does frequently. We probably ride together once every few months, but every time we meet it feels like we ride a lot more often.  He's like an old friend that I haven't actually known for that long.

We did three nice climbs (Hurtieres, Ayes and Barrioz), all under the Belledonne and the 7 Laux resort. Memorable things were: two amazing descents, riding next to the snow banks, almost crashing because there were huge piles of sawdust in the middle of the road, and just enjoying the biggest ride the year (so far) with a buddy.

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
life in San Francisco, CA as a biotech nerd life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist

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