Sunday, February 26, 2012


I did another fun ride with Hank today -- this time to Peuil, where we have gone bouldering many times. I always thought that the road up there might be a nice ride, and it turned out that Hank had done it before. We parked around espace Comboire, took the beautiful new pedestrian/cycle bridge over the Drac to the golf course, and we found ourselves on the climb in a matter of minutes. My legs didn't feel great after two days of riding, but eventually they loosened up. When we got onto the Peuil climb, I was definitely suffering; it's steep, but beautiful at this time of year. Because there are no leaves, you can really see a lot more than you would in the Spring and Summer. In any event, the weather was beautiful and we reached the top in good form. I actually felt kind of sorry when we hit the dead end because I wanted more climbing. From there it was a short descent to a bridging dirt road to another red pumice stained road, and then back to the col de Cossey. There was a strong cross wind along the col, and I was getting thrown around like a leaf. It can really feel exposed out there sometimes on a bike.

Placette, Grande Ratz

I found a nice road up above Layat today which seems to end in a small cluster of houses called the Grand Ratz. On the way back, I took the vieux chemin, which is a blast on a road bike. Way better than facing oncoming traffic on the route nationale.

life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
life in San Francisco, CA as a biotech nerd life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist

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