More Building, Sue and Barbara
After our usual breakfast at the Dutch Flat Hotel, we went to Hills Flat Lumber for another $75 of nails, screws, bags of concrete and bolts and then headed back to Alta. Shortly afterwards we were visited by Sue and Barbara (Chloe's step mom and her sister), who had been enjoying a vacation at Lake Tahoe for the past week. We showed them the streams, the blackberry patch and of course the cabin. It was a nice break from all the hammering, drilling an cutting and fun to show off all of the work we've done over the past month! After I had given them directions to Dutch Flat, we got back to work and put screws into all the brackets from yesterday (we had run out of screws and didn't have the correct sized bolts so there were quite a few brackets which had only been nailed). We also put in the 2x8 joists, mixed three 60 lb bags of cement and poured them around the piers for more stability.
The last order of business was to chop pieces O' tree off of the oak tree which had fallen onto the roof of the cabin. I'm not sure when this happened, but it's been up there long enough to shed a mat of leaves and branches on the shingles. I climbed the ladder up to the roof, swept it off and then sawed off some of the dead branches.
There was a LOT of detritus up there. Here is what the deck looked like after I swept one side of the roof:
I can hardly wait for next weekend, when we will put the second layer of the deck on and hopefully start working on the plumbing issues (i.e. test our new pump, cut holes in the side of the tub for connection to the heater and install the drain).