Monday, December 27, 2004


Today, after much prodding I convinced Chloe to go to a store called Alinea, which I had heard a lot about but somehow never ventured out to. In the past couple of weeks there were at least four occasions when I would mention that I was looking for something and someone would say: "Oh they have those for really cheap at Alinea". So today we drove to St. Egreve, and (I was at least) were blown away. I was expecting a kind of Le Ikea, but it was so much more. Most of the furniture was of pretty high quality, and their lighting department was amazing. Instead of having a large section of floor dedicated to say "beds", they have little three walled setups to simulate what a room would look like with a bed, and a perfectly chosen dresser, lamp, footstool, desk etc. It made both of us yearn for a place of our own where we could buy a nice bed that doesnt break our backs, track halogen lighting, and a bookcase! But we were there to find frames for the twenty or so 16x20 cibachromes I brought back from Berkeley. Except for a metal bathroom rack, a pyrex measuring cup and a fancy ergonomic oyster knife, we stayed mostly on track. I found some decent light oak frames with pre-cut mats; the only problem is that many of my cibachromes have white borders, so I'll still have to cut mats for some of them. Now I just need to enlist the sage advice of my dad on tricks for archival framing.
Here is chloe, red handed in the glass section

life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
life in San Francisco, CA as a biotech nerd life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist

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