Thursday, August 02, 2012

Briançon, Rocher Maubert, BBQ

Zoe, Nana, Jicha and I went to Briançon this morning to explore a little bit. We had a cafe in the square in front of the church, and I pushed Kenji AND Zoe in the wheelchair up the steep streets. We found a road that takes you to a dirt track leading to the famous vaulted bridge, but there was no way I was going to be able to get the wheelchair down that!

It really is a lovely town, even if the main street is a tourist trap. Once you cross into the smaller streets, it becomes apparent that people actually live there. Zoe got a nice pinwheel, like last time, and we walked along the ramparts. Zoe lost a precious hair band along the way, which she and Nana miraculously found in the church.

Later that day Chloe and I headed up to Rocher Maubert. We had originally wanted to do a second grande voie, but were still pretty beaten up from Millesime, so decided to go for something lower stress. We warmed up on Panorama (6a) then off to a pretty difficult 6b, then on to a 6c and 7a to the right, both of which spit me off (to much consternation), and then finally a successful 7a a due to the right. I would advise against climbing there on a very sunny day like today! Otherwise, a brilliant crag.

Later that night we had Francois, Barbara, the kids and their friends… and their kids over for a BBQ. Hamburgers, of course!

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
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