Sunday, August 02, 2015


I had been planning on camping with Zoe for a year now, but have been rained out several times. Today was the day though. Despite the big ride around Beaufort, I was determined to make it happen. I called Chloe on my wy back from Crolles, and asked her to get Zoe ready, cruised into St. Egreve, took a five minute shower, got all the stuff together, packed the car, and drove up to la Charmette. It was getting late, so we started walking at a brisk pace through the woods, with me periodically asking if she was ok, and her always responding: "FINE, daddy". After a while though, the responses became less and less convincing and eventually I turned around to find a slightly teary eyed Zoe, asking if we could go home because she was tired and scared. So, it was back to the car and down to St. Egreve. I guess she was really tired out from going to the pool.

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
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