Sunday, June 15, 2008


Our partners in meat, Paul and Nikki volunteered to pick up our split quarter of grass fed beef (Ordered from Chileno Valley and Butchered at Bileto Meats), and we met them in San Rafael for what must have looked like a drug deal (except the drug packets were labeled with things like "SWISS STEAK", and Paul was handing me a check instead of rolls of $100s). Neither Paul nor I know all that much about the different cuts of meat, but we split things up as well as we could. I think I'm going to have to dig up my old mega food book which has all of the cuts of beef now. We put the pedal to the metal in the Prius, and managed to jam all of the meat into only half of my parents freezer -- not bad considering it filled up a good 2.4 shopping bags!

I thawed two of the ground beef packets and grilled grass fed burgers and fresh corn from the Grand Lake farmers market ... mmmmm

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
life in San Francisco, CA as a biotech nerd life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist

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