Sunday, April 13, 2008

Farmers market, LHOS

We went to the Farmer's market again today and met up with one of the grandmothers

followed by the usual overspending on fruits and veggies

I bought a pretzel from the German guy with the lederhosen (hey, if you're gonna buy a pretzel -- that's the guy you want to buy it from right?) and then we started heading back to the car. Chloe and I got separated by a funeral procession for a Fireman

who had died of cancer. I'm not usually very affected by the designated occasions when you are expected to display your joy or sorrow, but there was something unexpectedly profound about this that took me by surprise emotionally. After watching all of his fellow firemen and women and his family pass by, (much to my embarrassment) I found myself trying to hide my red eyes from random passersby.

Next, we headed back to Oakland to feed and change the baby, and then headed up to the Lawrence Hall of Science. The LHOS is a science museum with sweeping views of the bay area which also happens to be where I spent many blissful childhood days learning obscure computer languages like PILOT, natural history and basic electronics. I even went to their summer camp in the Santa Cruz mountains, where I got the worst case of poison oak of my life. We met Katie, Taras and Lucy in the courtyard

and checked out the Speed exhibit, followed by relaxing on the new (to me) back patio.

(photos by Taras)
where we were joined by Caleb: an old Swan Systems buddy.

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
life in San Francisco, CA as a biotech nerd life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist

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