Sunday, August 08, 2004

annals of practical jokes #1

age:5 years old?
victim: my dad

This is probably my earliest and most primitive joke, so it makes sense to put it first. I think I must have seen this in a Tintin book, but I got it into my head that I would put a bucket of water on top of the door, so when my dad came in to make sure I was asleep, it would (youre not going to BELIEVE this) fall on his head. Well, it turned out that the water thing was a little hard to engineer, so I instead opted for an empty tinker toy box. I remember the box falling and bouncing off of my dads head. I also remember thinking that he looked kind of monkeyesque as he hooted and jumped immediately after the box hit him.

as an aside, while I was google searching for the tinker toy box, I discovered that
1)It is hard not to get at least one porno image when you google image search-- not that i mind
2)"tinker toy" is an extremely unoriginal name for a pet

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