Saturday, September 03, 2005

Miso Soup

Here is kenjis Miso soup recipe:

Boil some Kombu

in water for a little while

remove the kombu, put in tasty nuggets of your choice

add some udon sauce

and some wakame mix

and then the miso

On a related note, I am really amazed by the selection of miso that is now available. It used to be just one kind: a vacuum packed pouch, but now there are at least ten different kinds in fancy packaging.

tomatos schooled

when I got home, I saw my parents' tomato plants which have been raided by various critters over the last few weeks. they are very impressive, and the tomatos taste really good. I should mention that they cheated and used tomato food though. Mine are organic if you don;t count the cloud of diesel exhaust that shrouds grenoble.

Back in Berkeley

I've flown to and from Europe quite a few times in the last four years, and generally find it to be a pretty uncomfortable experience (with the exception of that one time when I was upgraded to Business class!). Today however, I think I found the best economy carrier for long flights: KLM. In an unheard of occurance, all of the meals were actually very good and I might even have considered eating them outside of a plane. Things started off a little rocky though, since their video system wasn't working at all, despite a few calls to the IT guys back home in Amsterdam. As luck would have it, the Scottish guy sitting next to me on the plane was a video engineer and sorted it all out after fiddling with some cabling. I found it a bit strange that they didn't even acknowledge him. An eleven hour flight with no movies leads to some serious resentment of the nearest representaives of the airline = the flight crew; I know because I've been on a SGO-Paris flight where the projectors stopped working. While they were trying to fix the movie system (=cycling the power multiple times), I worked on a presentation on my powerbook until the battery went dead. Then I listened to my ipod until it went dead, and discovered that I have a battery problem with the stupid ipod now. One hour of listening isn't normal. I did manage to have kind of a freaky moment listening to Paul Williams/Blackalicious's Release:

I can think of nothing heavier than an airplane
I can think of no greater conglomerate of steel and metal
I can think of nothing less likely to fly

I have to admit to being a little bit of a phillistine as far as poetry goes, but I really love Saul Williams' section of that song.

ANYWAY. With all my electronic pacifiers dead, I resorted to the in flight magazine with bonus Duty Free Section. In it, I found one of my top ten most bizarre items. I took a picture for your pleasure:

It's the last line that really gets me. What can you say, really?

When they finally got the video fixed, they rebooted it, and I was pretty floored to see a linux penguin and a boot screen happily chug along and start up the movie GUI. I guess other people have seen this as well. Once the system was up I was very impressed with it: you can pause and fast forward through the movies, play games etc etc. Sure the little controller things is a bit awkward, but come on: I had around 50 movies to choose from! I ended up watching the Incredibles (since Chloe won't watch animated movies with me ... snifff), the Assault on precinct 13 (boring, predictable and ethan hawke should just give up already), A Japanese movie that I can't remmber the title of, which involved drunken haircutting and a dude stuck between two buildings, and finally Une Hirondelle a Fait Le Printemps (aka "The Girl From Paris") . The last one was my favorite, not the least of which because it is set in my climbing stomping grounds of the Vercors. Sleepy time now.

life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
life in San Francisco, CA as a biotech nerd life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist

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