Monday, August 13, 2012

GENEVA to Athens

After dropping the parents off at the train station, and almost getting trapped on the train to Lyon (which would have put a slight kink in my plans to go to Kalymnos), we drove to Geneva. It turns out that the connection from Geneva to Athens is somewhat more frequent than from Lyon to Athens. I also remembered that Geneva airport, in an attempt to attract French customers, offers discounts on parking, the Swiss autoroute sticker as well as duty free purchases on site. My first surprise of the day was a brand new (to us) autoroute: the A41 extension into Geneva! Exciting, I know. The next big surprise was that the already extremely expensive longterm parking was full! So we had to use the P1. I think most users of the P1 were not bothered by the parking prices, based on the preponderance of Porsches and G wagons in there. We were not very happy about it however. after gathering the very heavy, but just under the weight limit suitcases onto a trolley and herding the kids into the terminal, it was time to get some food. This ended up being 50 euro for a few sandwiches and drinks. This vacation was already getting expensive! Also, it turns out that the 10% duty free discounts work for the GVA airport are sustainable because they charge 40% more than anything is worth. Anyway, we eventually got on the plane

and after a short flight were in Athens, with Stephanie waiting at the terminal. She had a nice suprise for us too: Chloe and I got to spend a night alone! No babies!

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
life in San Francisco, CA as a biotech nerd life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist

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