Sunday, April 29, 2012


We took a little trip to Mens, in the Trieves today where we met Vanessa and the girls. The area and roads approaching the town are stunning, with soaring snow capped mountains to the West and East over freshly planted fields. Along the way you get a very cool perspective on the Mont Aiguille from it's thinnest aspect, which makes it look… like a needle.

As we passed over the col du Fau all I could think about was how cool it would be on a bike; must make it back there sometime soon en velo. My first impression of Mens from the outskirts was not favorable -- it looked like any number of smallish villages. However, after parking and walking around it became clear that it was actually a very beautiful little town. The Aussies soon arrived and we commenced our anglophone invasion of the town.

There were bits of detritus everywhere from the intense winds we have been having, and there was even a fire truck pulling loose roof tiles out of gutters.
(taken later on, when we about to leave)
I guess that's the down side of picturesque roofs! I saw the contents of a planter in one of the alleyways too. Getting planter-ed in the head would be an inglorious way to die, I think. Anyway, we went to the Cafe des Arts, which was pleasant and very pretty on the inside. Even better: the kids were at a separate table! I had the deep fried ravioli salad, which was excellent, and perfect comfort food after yesterdays epic ride. From the cafe, we went to the museum (also well worth a stop) and on to the small church. The churchyard had one critical feature, which was a lawn carpeted with dandelions, which are utterly irresistible to kids. Indeed, we spend the next half an hour cultivating them and at Chloe's initiative, weaving them into primitive pollen bombing necklaces.

Unfortunately, Erin had a close encounter of the Stinging Nettle kind, which are pretty painful for adults, let alone a little girl. After a little mommie time and some cool fountain water, she was okay though.

Soon after, we all headed back home and Chloe, Lolo and I did a Mont Saint Martin session. I was on my mountain bike and they were on foot. The trail descent utterly kicked my ass, as neither my brakes nor my shock was working very well, so my palms were bruised by the end of it.

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
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