Wednesday, March 21, 2012


I just watched "The Adventures of Tintin -- the Secret of the Unicorn" and here are my impressions, as a lapsed but loyal Hergé fan. First, the visual effects are not only stunning, but admirably faithful to the cartoon. I was happy to see how much like the drawings secondary characters like Alan and Bianca Castafiore were. I was less impressed with Tintin himself, who looked ridiculous. Haddock also was a pretty big departure from the comic, but in his case I thought he looked pretty good anyway. As for the story: butchery. I hate to be "that guy", but I grew up with Tintin. I knew almost every book by heart (except au Congo and the Blue Lotus -- the only books that I did not have). The quality of the lines, coloring and complexity of the stories are what make Tintin transcend a normal comic. Understanding that adaptations are required for film adaptation, it all felt pretty slapped together and arbitrary. I can sort of see why Crab was added: to introduce Haddock. I have no idea why Sakharine was converted into a bad guy though. There was not even a hint of that in the book. What about the Bird brothers? Rastapopoulous? The latter is as good a villain as you could hope for! Finally, very little of Red Rackham's Treasure made it into the movie -- why? The story arc of hunting for treasure on an island, only to find it back in Marlinspike is wonderful and the film is poorer for leaving it out. I was also sad to see no hint of Calculus... it was after all the story that introduced him. Props for using the right font for the credits though.

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