Sunday, May 01, 2011


I forgot to mention that I also got the dreaded gastro on friday night, although to a much lesser extent than Chloe (We're pretty sure it's the same thing that caused Alex to projectile vomit in the Tarn, and it is working its way through the family). As a result, I've been quite tired for the last couple of days! Both chloe and I have been on a diet of white bread and coke, as it's all we can seem to keep down -- woo! Actually, we had never bought a "normal" loaf of bread from the boulangerie, because we just assumed that it would be like US supermarket bread. It was a very pleasant surprise to discover that the pain de mie is actually excellent, with a dense moist crumb. It's a nice change from the baguettes in any case (never thought I would say that! We are a little spoiled, I think). In any case, after lunch I felt mildly OK, and I really, really wanted to get on my bike, so I set out for Proveysieux. I set my target power a little too high and was burning out around 80% of the way up. It wasn't terribly slow, but I really suffered; it was probably the worst I have ever felt on it, AND I had forgotten my water bottle.

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
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