Wednesday, May 18, 2011

cowboys in the wild west (of le Fontanil)

While I was cooking dinner tonight, I happened to look out the window and saw a Cowboy in front of the Boulangerie. After people started wheeling cameras, sound booms and lighting into the street, it became obvious that something exciting was happening. I rushed downstairs with my camera to capture the action, and watched the crew at work. They were having a lot of problems, stemming from the fact that they were filming on the main street, but they eventually got their shots. Examples of events that caused cuts to the filming were:

A delightful young man with a bottle full of hair gel and aviator sunglasses, who, incensed at having had to wait for three minutes, peeled out along the main street, almost running over the camera operator and the horse.

A woman, attracted by the excitement who was IN THE SHOT during filming (as in, in between the camera and the cowboy), who somehow escaped everyones attention until the poor cowboy had trotted the horse all the way from the bridge down past La Lutinière.

A shrill "DAAAADDY-O" emanating from a certain 1st floor apartment (The boom operator assured the cameraman that he could not hear it).

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
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