Wednesday, December 08, 2010

A clown show

Every year, a children's "Spectacle" is offered through work. Zoe was too small to go last year (or I missed the sign up!), but this year I took Zoe. She had started the day with a visit to the doctor's office with Christine and Chloe, and lunch in town, so she was already a little worn out when she was handed off to me. For the spectacle, everyone meets at work with their kids, where they have arranged for buses to take us to the venue. It was a little strange (normally anyone under 18 years old is forbidden from entering the campus), but kind of cute to see so many kids running around. After getting some differing opinions about which bus to board, we got onto number six and waited for a while until it was finally time to go. We took a somewhat bizarre and circuitous route, but eventually made it there, disembarked, and then ... milled around again for a while before we were allowed to walk in and take our seats. Zoe and I were in the nosebleed seats, but we could still see well enough, and Zoe enjoyed the show. One of the clowns was named "Babu", which also happens to be Zoe's name for her most treasured blanket, so she was at first a little confused by all the yelling about Babu.

After the clown show was over, Père Noël appeared, whom Zoe recognized, and a kid riot commenced. Zoe is still quite shy around other kids, so I eventually had to step in to get her to make some progress towards the man with the treats.

Père Noël delivered a book and a bag full of chocolates

Afterwards, it was back to the work cafeteria for snacks and drinks. Chloe and Christine were waiting for us, much to Zoe's delight. It had been a long day, and she was ready to go home

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