Saturday, October 02, 2010


I went shopping with Zoe to buy clothes for her and alex today, and also made a stop at the Troc place, since I have driven by it many times and never stopped. It is basically a warehouse full of mostly crappy furniture. I did, however see a very nice bonetier and an homme debout. These are sort of smaller, more practical versions of the armoire. I particularly like homme debouts because they have a drawer in between two smaller compartments: very practical. They also had this majestic sculpture of Serge Gainsbourg

I'm not sure if that's a flask or a microphone in his hand.

Next was a visit to the art supply store, where Zoe caught sight of a sticker display and immediately grabbed a packet of stickers, jammed them into her mouth, looked up at me with wide eyes and asked "Dat's Zoe's?". Fine. I started paying for the watercolors, pens, pastels and her stickers, when she realized that there were even more stickers... and those stickers had BEARS on them! Unfortunately, I had just finished paying. I also did not have any cash at all, and couldn't pay for a one euro sticker packet with a card. Zoe had the packet firmly in her hand, and after a brief tussle which rendered the stickers ours, we came to an agreement which involved going out to the car to find change, coming back and paying for the bear stickers. On my way home, I had a the terribly cynical thought that the placement of the children's sticker rack next to the register might not have been an accident.

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
life in San Francisco, CA as a biotech nerd life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist

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