Friday, July 02, 2010

poo extravaganza

A few days ago I was home with Zoe while Chloe was out with Alex. I was cleaning up while Zoe played in her room. Very soon, I was greeted with mild terror that many parents experience when they don't hear the usual kid-cacophony. I rushed out to the living room to find Zoe, naked and sitting on her blanket looking down at the Boulangerie (A favorite occupation of hers). Not good. I looked in the next room and found a gigantic poo in her potty. Those two items together spelled trouble, and more specifically the kind of trouble that involves poo in places where there should not be any poo. I quickly wiped her down and then threw her blanket (named "Babu", which goes wherever she does) into the wash on MAXIMUM POO REMOVAL mode, and then began the task of retracing her footsteps. It all looked pretty good. Major disasters were averted, and I made myself a tea and sat down on my desk chair, where I discovered that Zoe had been sitting a bit ... earlier. I think you know what that means.

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Oh, dear Max. Don't you know you should always check the chair...

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
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