Wednesday, October 28, 2009


My commute is now pretty awesome: ~22 or so minutes by bike. It's not so great when it's wet out, but I am in the process of addressing that issue. Here's a video of the commute:

It's pretty shaky, and here's why: the camera mount that I devised is simply a seat post clamp with a 1/4 bolt in it. I have the Mino HD mounted on it, and it shakes a lot. I sped things up 4x in Windows Movie Maker(ughh) after conversion from mp4 to avi in ffmpeg. I know there is probably a better way, but I don't have admin privs on my work computer, and still no internet @home. Related to this: I just discovered that the version of iMovie I have (8) actually has far *fewer* features than iMovie 6 (including the ability to slow down and speed up video clips) -- thanks, Apple!!

anyway, things that need improving for the commute bike: mega bright lamp (in progress), bigger rear facing red lamp (ordered), SKS mudguards (ordered), seat that does not crush my nuts (ordered).


Taras said...

Way to target practice that guy on the bridge

max said...

im not familiar with that term! Does it mean to respectfully pass someone?

life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
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