Friday, June 26, 2009

diaper soundz

part of our evolution from normal people to parents has involved a modification of our aural awareness; sounds (or lack of sounds) that would have no significance at all without kids now take on profound significance. Suspicious lack of crying? the soft squeak of a forbidden pantry door opening? We're on it.

Occasionally, despite our better judgment, we might ignore one of these disturbances in the force, and we always end up paying for it. Tonight was just such an occasion. I was most of the way through a new hangboard workout, when I heard an almost imperceptibly soft ripping sound coming from the crib. "Bah", I thought. "I'll finish the last two 20 twenty second hangs and THEN check it out".

After the penultimate hang, I thought better of waiting and gingerly crept into Zoe's bedroom, where I found a fully awake and smiling Zoe standing in her crib. As I walked in, she held something out to me. In the low light, it could have been a bottle, but it wasn't. It was a diaper with a full poo payload, and by some miracle, the crib was not a nightmare of smeared excrement (although a lot of cleaning was still required). I guess it's time to buy her a potty.

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