Sunday, October 05, 2008

Oakland to Vegas

Today we made the long drive from Oakland to Las Vegas, spending most of that time on my most un-favorite freeway : I5. Although the day started somewhat inauspiciously with the CHP shutting down 580 for some unknown reason,

we made good time, and Zoe was in a great mood. Eight hours after we left, we found ourselves in a strong dust storm on 15 near Barstow. We could actually see the desert sand and pebbles skittering down the asphalt,

and at one point I was almost outrun by a soft drink cup trundling down the freeway at high speed. The land sailors were happy, though!

We eventually arrived at one of those casinos 30 minutes east of Las Vegas and declared it "far enough" after almost nine hours on the road.

Edit: the freeway was closed because of this, and it turns out that if we had left just a few minute earlier, we would have missed it :

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