Monday, July 16, 2007

Tipping Point

I know I'm probably alone in this sentiment, but I needed to vent about "The Tipping Point". I would normally have stopped reading a book like that after a chapter or so just because of the patronizing tone, but plowed through the entire thing because I felt like I was missing something. I mean, there must be something to it if it's been on the NYtimes list since the French Revolution, right? Well, no. At least, not in my opinion. Here are some of my complaints, concise and enumerated for your pleasure

1) Can I hate Malcolm Gladwell solely for making every phenomenon which gathers a critical mass a "Tipping Point" in the popular lexicon? Thank you, I will.
2) I find his tone irritating, as I mentioned before
3) His analysis is totally without any kind of rigorous method or justification in my opinion. What exactly is a Maven? You know this how? Oh right, from the statistically significant sample of "Tipping points" that you have analyzed. Wait, you looked at less than ten? Who's your agent?
4) On that note, gratuitous capitalization: Maven, Sticky, etc etc is annoying.
5) Holy crap does this guy think he's a genius. In the afterword he basically says (in a cloak of false modesty); "Wow, my book is so amazing that it's helping people in ways I hadn't even forseen!"
6)It rambles and follows strange tangents frequently. I know there's some underlying structure, but it's kind of like staring at a fractal sometimes.

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