Sunday, July 03, 2005

Pont-de-Barret II

I was a little over tired, so I ended up sleeping late today. After a late start we headed up to the cliff and got on some nice routes on the left side of the cliff.
We had dinner at L'Oiseau Sur La Branche, in Saou

where we had a perfect meal in the warm dusk weather under huge sycamores while an acordian player/chanteuse and a bass player serenaded.

I had an interesting menu which focused on oils from the region (Nyons is famous for its olive oil),

foie gras (yes, I'm going to die of a heart attack) and apples, seared steak with very buttery and sweet mashed potatoes and finally a pistachio whipped cream with white chocolate discs.

Last time we came back late to the gite we had seen a wild boar, so in preparation we had the camera out this time. Unfortunately, although the boar was there, the puny flash on our camera couldn't illuminate him.

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
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