Friday, May 27, 2005

Show opening/vernissage

The opening tonight was a big succes, with a lot of my firends and colleagues showing up. I had set the show up last night and during lunch today

Before the show, Chloe and I picked up the 40 euro cheese plate (even if you could get something like this in the states, it wouldn't be at that price!) from Les Alpages(page down to "Eat").

People from the IBS, EMBL, ESRF and other places showed up. I even had some crazy people come in from the street to "look at the photos" while eating the cheese and drinking the fancy champagne that chloe bought. One of them asked my why I put glass in the frames.

It was all really nice and very exciting. My first show! Oh, and I sold a print and have some interest in some others.

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life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
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