Saturday, August 21, 2004


Today ch loe lured me away from MOSFLM to go to the market at Place de la Tribunal. We used to only go to Place aux Herbes for produce, until we found Tribunal, where you can get fresher and better quality produce (direct from the growers)... also, Tribunal is a much prettier venue than its more utilitarian cousin. Anyway, while chl oe was buying some rasberries and peaches, I wandered off and foundanother stand where they sold big live snails. They were in a 5 gallon plastic bucket under the rest of the produce, and the farmer was too engrossed in weighing and selling to notice that his snails were escaping. It would have been a really beautiful picture, but of course I didnt have a camera with me. I was very proud that I remembered the word for escape (echappe) and informed the farmer that his snails were getting away from him.
I felt a little bad because the escape artists snails were really hauling some escargot ass, and it was a little sad to see them
plucked from the limestone flagstones and chucked unceremoniously back in with the others. Of course, they would have just gotten stepped on, but still... you could tell they were going at 105% snail velocity.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

This website rocks (no pun intended) - I love the rockclimbing pics and the mountains. I have always wanted to live the expat life and explore interesting places, leave the mundane US behind. Thanks for sharing, bro. If you have any more info on climbing areas, please post...I am being lured to France...

life in Grenoble, France as an expat postdoc
life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist
life in San Francisco, CA as a biotech nerd life in Grenoble, France as an expat scientist

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